Edit history of King Of The Black Sunrise Album
Edit Type Edit User Date
X 2022-09-12 9:38pm
Release Dates
X 2022-09-12 9:38pm
United States
X 2022-09-12 9:38pm
Add to tracklist 1. White Lace And Strange X 2022-09-12 9:38pm
Add to tracklist 2. I Love A Woman X 2022-09-12 9:38pm
Add to tracklist 3. Country Life X 2022-09-12 9:38pm
Add to tracklist 4. Red House X 2022-09-12 9:38pm
Add to tracklist 5. Moon Child X 2022-09-12 9:38pm
Add to tracklist 6. Dear Dream Maker X 2022-09-12 9:38pm
Add to tracklist 7. King Of The Black Sunrise X 2022-09-12 9:38pm
Add to tracklist 8. Open Up Your Eyes X 2022-09-12 9:38pm
Image update Image update X 2022-09-12 9:37pm
First created Item first created X 2022-09-12 9:37pm