At just 22 minutes, you'd hope this would be a breezy, engaging listen—and while it’s not a slog, it’s hardly memorable either. By now, hip-hop should have evolved beyond looping a short soul sample for minutes on end, yet that’s exactly what you get here. Fredro has a likeable voice for a rapper, but at times, he comes off as preachy or more profound than he actually is. Case in point: he closes the opener with, “There’s one thing for certain in life. Everyone dies.” Oh, really?
I might be being a bit harsh with my rating—it’s an easy listen—but there’s nothing here that truly stands out. A little more creativity in production and song structure could have gone a long way.
Beats: ★★☆
Rapping/Bars: ★★★
Hooks: ★★
Best Tracks: Hood Jealousy, Chillin', Grandma House