Edit history of Stranger in the Alps Album
Edit Type Edit User Date
Release Dates
sunflower-seed 2019-08-03 1:15am
length 0h 0m 0s
0h 44m 15s
sunflower-seed 2019-08-03 1:15am
Stranger in the Alps is the debut studio album by American musician Phoebe Bridgers. The album's title is a reference to the edited-for-TV version of the film The Big Lebowski. In the original, John Goodman's character says, "Do you see what happens when you fuck a stranger in the ass?" but the line is changed in the edited-for-TV version to, "Do you see what happens when you find a stranger in the Alps?" Josh Modell of The A.V. Club gave the album a perfect score, saying, "Stranger In The Alps alchemizes sorrow into redemptive beauty. It's never about wallowing, but about slowly moving through it. That difference, played out over some incredible, wise-beyond-her-years songwriting, makes it one of the best albums of the year."
sunflower-seed 2019-08-03 1:15am
wiki link
sunflower-seed 2019-08-03 1:15am
Add relation Dead Oceans label sunflower-seed 2019-08-03 1:15am
Add to tracklist 11. Smoke Signals (Reprise) sunflower-seed 2019-08-03 1:15am
Add to tracklist 1. Smoke Signals sunflower-seed 2019-08-03 1:15am
Add to tracklist 2. Motion Sickness sunflower-seed 2019-08-03 1:15am
Add to tracklist 3. Funeral sunflower-seed 2019-08-03 1:15am
Add to tracklist 4. Demi Moore sunflower-seed 2019-08-03 1:15am
Add to tracklist 5. Scott Street sunflower-seed 2019-08-03 1:15am
Add to tracklist 6. Killer sunflower-seed 2019-08-03 1:15am
Add to tracklist 7. Georgia sunflower-seed 2019-08-03 1:15am
Add to tracklist 8. Chelsea sunflower-seed 2019-08-03 1:15am
Add to tracklist 9. Would You Rather (Ft. Conor Oberst) sunflower-seed 2019-08-03 1:15am
Add to tracklist 10. You Missed My Heart sunflower-seed 2019-08-03 1:15am
First created Item first created Middle.Child 2019-01-01 9:56am