Edit history of Street Queens EP Album
Edit Type Edit User Date
dead1017fm 2024-06-21 3:10pm
Release Dates
dead1017fm 2024-06-21 3:10pm
length 0h 0m 0s
0h 20m 47s
dead1017fm 2024-06-21 3:10pm
United States
dead1017fm 2024-06-21 3:10pm
Bunny wakes up in the alley behind the club. The cold, hard concrete beneath her bare skin feels like a million tiny razor blades, cutting into her flesh and drawing blood with every breath. She looks around the dark alley and takes another deep breath. The air smells like stale sweat, alcohol, and something even worse. She doesn’t know how she can keep living like this. She crawls over to a nearby trash can and vomits, retching until there’s nothing left in her stomach. As she wipes her mouth with the back of her hand, she notices something shining on the ground in the darkness. Reaching out, she feels the cold metal of a switchblade. A shiver of excitement runs down her spine. She closes her eyes, taking a deep breath, and for a moment, she feels a strange sense of power wash over her. She could use this blade to escape this life of endless parties, drinking, meaningless sex and drugs, she could finally be free.
dead1017fm 2024-06-21 3:10pm
dead1017fm 2024-06-21 3:10pm
wiki link
dead1017fm 2024-06-21 3:10pm
Add to tracklist 1. Hollywood Heartbreaker dead1017fm 2024-06-21 3:10pm
Add to tracklist 2. The Cocaine Club dead1017fm 2024-06-21 3:10pm
Add to tracklist 3. Alcohol Angel Wants To Die dead1017fm 2024-06-21 3:10pm
Image update Image update dead1017fm 2024-06-21 3:08pm
First created Item first created dead1017fm 2024-06-21 3:08pm