Satsuki prepares a raid on Osaka, Kyoto, and Kobe, issuing students with new Goku Uniforms created based on the data from Ryuko's battles. Meanwhile, Ryuko continues to sulk over losing control of Senketsu and is unwilling to wear him. She is approached by the suspended student and former Newspaper Club member Shinjiro Nagita, who pleads her to join the fight against Satsuki's war efforts, but she refuses. The next day, Mako gets roped into the raid trip for distributing Shinjiro's underground newspaper. Encouraged by Senketsu, Ryuko puts him on to help Shinjiro, who reveals himself to be a disguised Nui, having done so to trick Ryuko into donning Senketsu again. Unable to fight at her full strength out of fear of losing control again, Ryuko is defeated by Nui and Senketsu is torn to pieces. After Satsuki forces Nui to retreat, she takes all but one of Senketsu's scraps so that they may be distributed to suitable hosts to provide combat data during the raid trip.