The story begins with Kiba fighting Freed who was using one of the Excalibur fragments until Freed retreats from the fight. The next morning, Issei wakes up shocked that Rias and Asia are sleeping naked beside him. After the two left, Ddraig suddenly started talking with Issei, telling him about the "Vanishing Dragon", Albion. Meanwhile on her way to school with Tsubaki, Sona notices two figures standing outside the school gate and the Holy Sword that one of them is wielding. Later at the Occult Research Clubroom, Issei notices that Kiba is missing and asks Rias about Kiba's past where she revealed that Kiba was previously part of "Project Holy Sword", where he was one of the failed products that escaped before he could be disposed of until Rias found him on the verge of death. Akeno then arrives at the clubroom with Sona and Tsubaki as she asks Rias out to discuss about the two people she met earlier.