Movie Plot: Japan is attached by an alien, and is saved by a very insignificant hero. Features the classic horrible special effects that are a staple of early 1950s Japanese horror movies. Keep an eye out for the bizarre scene featuring Adolph Hitler.On the SOL: Servo, Crow, and the Nanites lose a battle against the mites that live on Mike's eyelashes / the 'bots Kaboke play degenerates / the Crew is almost driven to insanity be the movie, but they are cheered up when the evil Krankor visits to try to conquer them.In Ancient Rome: Bobo, who thinks he is a Roman warrior named the Mad Goth, is a celebrity / Pearl and Brain Guy try to tell Bobo who he really is / Pearl bashes Bobo over the head, which gets his memory back, but also gets the them, and Brain Guy, arrested.Stinger: The little boy falls down.