Christopher Robin tells Pooh that he's related to a bear/ Tiger looks through the pictures, and gets upset that he's got no relatives. Eeyore tells him that he's not related to a donkey. Tigger things he might be related to a lion, who's king of the beasties. To prove himself he attacks a pretend Jagular. Tigger proclaims himself Kind and wants to called the 100 Aker Wood Tiggeropolis and paint it stripey. And now he wants everyone to bounce! Rabbit finds out it's a fake Jagular and teaches Tigger a lesson. Upset, he confesses to the gang. Piglet wants to forgive him and they have a kind un-crowning and he feels like a new Tigger! He thinks he may be related to a snake or shark or a hippopotamus, octopus or an elevator... But then he is the only one