Voltron engages in an old-school dance-off in "You Got Robo-Served." The secret lives of nature's most fascinating beasts are exposed in "Secrets of the Animal Kingdom." Testicles are terrorized in "Ode to the Nut Shot." Walt Disney's severed head with its giant robotic spider-body attacks Cuba. See how much the kids are horrified in "Scary Barney"Skits: "Seth Green and Me", "Giraffes and trains don't mix", "Hey! Kool-Aid", "You Got Robo-Served", "Stalin and Me", "Protection?", "Barney", "Secrets of the Animal Kingdom" ("The Mongoose: Nature's Assassin", "The Hyena: Nature's A**hole", "The Lemming: Nature's Retard"), "I Have Big Boobs", "Pattycake", "Harry Potter", "Disney Attacks", "Evil postal workers", "4 Sale, Baby Vampires", "Confusing signage", "Ode to the Nut Shot" Suite RATED TV14DLV