Dean Devlin and Roland Emmerich re-make Godzilla...again. A crime-fighting monkey saves monkeys from a monkey supervillain. An average fellow named Doug wakes up in the world of the Huggytime Bears. Freddy Krueger, Jason Voorhees, Leatherface, Pinhead, Ghostface and Michael Myers sign on for the reality show "Big Brother".Skits: "That Better Not Be Poo", "Hell Freezes Over", "Simon Says Go Play In Traffic", "Godzilla Remade Again", "Fear Itself", "Cliff Pogo", "Where Do They Get the Energy?", "Bat-Monkey", "Crazy Davey", "Fear Itself (Part 2)", "Huggytime Bears", "I Got You, Timmy!", "Big Horror Movie Brother"RATED TVMA