Seven of the world's greatest heroes stop being polite and start getting real in "The Real World: Metropolis." Icons from Star Trek and Tiger Beat alike unite for canned sitcom laughs in "Two Kirks, a Khan and a Pizza Place." Jesus Christ hunts down his greatest nemesis, Tarantino-style in "Kill Bunny." The hottest game show from Japan is here: "Who Poop Last?!" The legends of rock 'n' roll return from beyond the grave to haunt the "Zombie Idol" reality show.Skits: "Curious George", "Horny White Rhino", "The Real World: Metropolis", "Cats are Jerks", "Benjamin Franklin", "Kill Bunny", "Sex Doll Abuser", "Two Kirks, a Khan and a Pizza Place", "Who Poop Last?!", "Sex Doll Abuser 2", "Cow tipping", "Zombie Idol"RATED TV14 DLV