Night Gallery: 10 Best Segments
jfclams (all lists)  
Modified at: 2024-02-15 5:45pm
Counting down the 10 best segments of Rod Serling's Night Gallery which ran from 1970-73


Revised spots 11 thru 20 below: 11. The Messiah of Mott Street 12. The Miracle at Camafeo 13. Camera Obscura 14. The Diary 15. Something in the Woodwork 16. You Can't Get Help Like That Anymore 17. The Flip-Side of Satan 18. Little Girl Lost 19. Death on a Barge 20. Silent Snow, Secret Snow
The following episodes were considered but missed the cut: The House The Flip-Side of Satan The Diary Camera Obscura The Messiah on Mott Street The Miracle at Camafeo You Can't Get Help Like That Anymore Little Girl Lost Girl With The Hungry Eyes Something In the Woodwork Death on a Barge
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