Friendly Spoofs
thefloorsaresoclean (all lists)  
Modified at: 2023-08-19 3:01am
There are Friendly Spoofs and Bully Spoofs. A friendly spoof is like a buddy affectionately teasing you for your quirks. A bully spoof is a jerk mocking you for being yourself. These are friends. They love you.
Galaxy Quest
Galaxy Quest
Movie 3.67

Galaxy Quest is considered an unofficial Star Trek movie. Its that accurate and that good. When it came out Sir Patrick Stewart (Star Trek: TNG) didn't want to see it because he was sure it was going to be mocking. Jonathan Frakes (Star Trek: TNG) saw it, told Stewart he had to go watch it in a packed theater. Stewart did and he laughed so hard he cried. Galaxy Quest is a love letter to all the stereotypical oddities of Star Trek. It pokes them, says "this is silly" and then honors them anyway.

Movie 3.67

Clueless basically said "Lets make Emma, of Jane Austen's Emma, the snobby valley girl she secretly is." and it worked. You know who I love? Cher Horowitz. You know who I don't? Emma Woodhouse. ~The magic of cinema~

Movie 3.97

Top Murder Mystery spoof of all time. Superb. Quoteworthy. Tim Curry "butle"-ing. Madeline Kahn singing. Lesley Ann Warren existing in that dress.

This movie... I wish... this movie. Why? Did you really have to put a white man in yellow face? This is worse than Mickey Rooney in Breakfast at Tiffanys. At least that you can easily skip. In Murder By Death, an otherwise fantastic satire of classic murder mystery novels/detectives, one of the main characters is a racist caricature. I grew up watching this film and even as a tiny gremlin I knew that was messed up.

Fantastically crooked camp musical. Cult classic take on what if Frankenstein wanted to bang his Creature. With dance numbers.

Gotta love a silly comedy vampire.

Mel Brooks makes both Friend spoofs and Bully. This is a friendly one. My personal favorite.


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