Once Upon a Time They Lived Happily Ever After is a hand-illustrated novel that deals with themes of unrequited love, materialism versus spirituality, and the abuse of authoritarian power. It details the adventures of a sixteen-year-old boy struggling to remain within the sphere of the girl he loves while confronting a nemesis he seemingly can't avoid. He faces these dilemmas whilst being thrust from one strange world to another - worlds he unwittingly becomes charged with saving.
Once Upon a Time They Lived Happily Ever After is a Fact-Fiction Action-Adventure Fantasy, a Dark Comedy Romance, and a semi-autobiographical satire. It even has and an allegorical poem with a dragon contained within its pages. Despite its title, the novel certainly isn't a fairytale. It took thirty years to write and illustrate yet, I feel, is as relevant today as it was when pen was first put to paper.