Edit history of Accepted Movie
Edit Type Edit User Date
dimi 2021-08-08 10:11am
Release Dates
dimi 2021-08-08 10:11am
length 0h 0m 0s
1h 33m 0s
dimi 2021-08-08 10:11am
United States
dimi 2021-08-08 10:11am
A high school slacker who's rejected by every school he applies to opts to create his own institution of higher learning, the South Harmon Institute of Technology, on a rundown piece of property near his hometown.
dimi 2021-08-08 10:11am
Add relation Artie Baxter actor • Mike Chambers dimi 2021-08-08 10:11am
Add relation Kellan Lutz actor • Dwayne dimi 2021-08-08 10:11am
Add relation Brendan Miller actor • Wayne dimi 2021-08-08 10:11am
Add relation Chantelle Tibbs actor • Confused Kid dimi 2021-08-08 10:11am
Add relation Tim Bagley actor • Vice Principal Matthews dimi 2021-08-08 10:11am
Add relation Greg Sestero actor • Frat Guy dimi 2021-08-08 10:11am
Add relation Jeremy Howard actor • Freaky Student dimi 2021-08-08 10:11am
Add relation Anthony Heald actor • Dean Richard Van Horne dimi 2021-08-08 10:11am
Add relation Travis Van Winkle actor • Hoyt Ambrose dimi 2021-08-08 10:11am
Add relation Kaitlin Doubleday actor • Gwynn dimi 2021-08-08 10:11am
Add relation Diora Baird actor • Kiki dimi 2021-08-08 10:11am
Add relation Ross Patterson actor • Mike McNaughton dimi 2021-08-08 10:11am
Add relation Maria Thayer actor • Rory Thayer dimi 2021-08-08 10:11am
Add relation Lewis Black actor • Ben Lewis dimi 2021-08-08 10:11am
Add relation Mark Derwin actor • Jack Gaines dimi 2021-08-08 10:11am
Add relation Ann Cusack actor • Diane Gaines dimi 2021-08-08 10:11am
Add relation Hannah Marks actor • Lizzie Gaines dimi 2021-08-08 10:11am
Add relation Robin Lord Taylor actor • Abernathy Darwin Dunlap dimi 2021-08-08 10:11am
Add relation Sam Horrigan actor • Mike Welsh dimi 2021-08-08 10:11am
Add relation Joe Hursley actor • Maurice / The Ringers dimi 2021-08-08 10:11am
Add relation Matthew F. Leonetti cinematographer dimi 2021-08-08 10:11am
Delete relation Mark Perez writer dimi 2021-08-08 10:11am
First created Item first created fighter12 2019-01-25 2:57pm