Edit history of Cathy Come Home Movie
Edit Type Edit User Date
CaptainMustard 2022-08-13 9:54am
Release Dates
CaptainMustard 2022-08-13 9:54am
length 0h 0m 0s
1h 15m 0s
CaptainMustard 2022-08-13 9:54am
United Kingdom
CaptainMustard 2022-08-13 9:54am
A wedding. Happy and promising. A young couple, new to the ways of life. The joys of parenthood: A dream comes true. Then the first incident in a long, spiraling chain of events, and down they go. No job, no money. Moving from house to house, each smaller than the last. Hope is briefly found, But fate strikes again under a cruel word: Eviction. The family flees. A caravan is their shelter. But little did they know what was to come. Fire, destruction. Rage. Discrimination towards the poor. Hope is lost. The last straw is pulled. Distress. Separation. The family torn apart. Mother and children, father all alone. The ship can sink no lower. Or so they thought. Broke. Crushed. Chased from their last shelter. A mother clings to her children. And the final blow: children ripped from her loving arms. —Laeti
CaptainMustard 2022-08-13 9:54am
wiki link
CaptainMustard 2022-08-13 9:54am
Add relation Barry Jackson actor • Rent Collector CaptainMustard 2022-08-13 9:54am
Image update Image update CaptainMustard 2022-08-13 9:10am
Image update Image update CaptainMustard 2022-08-13 9:07am
First created Item first created CaptainMustard 2022-08-13 9:07am