Jeff The Killer: The Movie is a 2015 psychological horror film directed by Natalie Splavec and produced by Michael Yarmush,
Jeff (DJ Cook) was a 13-year-old who moved to a new neighborhood with his brother, Liu (Milo Manheim), and their parents Peter (Matthew McConaughey) and Margaret (Julie Bowen). On their first day of school, they were accosted by 3 bullies named Randy (Max Charles), Keith (Jace Norman), & Troy (Joshua Bassett), whom Jeff brutally beat up after they threatened them with knives. Liu took the blame for it and was arrested, sending Jeff into a deep depression. The bullies later attacked Jeff again at a party, and Jeff killed one of them, but not before getting covered in bleach and lit on fire by Keith. During this fight, Jeff's mind permanently snapped.
Later that night, Jeff's mother found him carving his face into a permanent smile so that he would no longer have to exert energy to smile, as he put it, and burning off his eyelids so he could always see his face. Jeff's mother went to her husband to tell him that their son had gone completely mad and needed to be killed, but Jeff caught them and stabbed them to death. This woke up Liu (who was recently released), with Jeff telling him as he was about to plunge the knife into his body, "Go to sleep".
Jeff then went on a serial killing rampage, killing those who refused to sleep at night, and as the story continued, Jeff renamed himself "Jeff the Killer".