The MI films are hard to split. I watched them all in a week or two before seeing this at the cinemas making it the only one I have seen on the big screen, which would normally make it more engaging than viewing at home, but aside from the ending with the train carriages, that was amazing viewing, the other action scenes aren't very memorable compared to what has come before. The car chase in Italy with the Fiat was like a comedy scene and I haven't been a fan of the comedic elements added to the franchise. In saying that though, Benji, who I haven't liked in other movies, isn't here for as much comic relief as some of the other films making the character more bearable. Another problem I had here is how the characters finish one another's sentences when the story is being moved forward.-It seemed to happen a lot. I don't think the story is as tense as other MI films have been but it does set the scene nicely for Part 2. Finally, take a gulp of water every time a character says "key" and you'll be urinating all night.