Edit history of Never Been Kissed Movie
Edit Type Edit User Date
dimi 2021-07-30 9:58pm
Release Dates
dimi 2021-07-30 9:58pm
length 0h 0m 0s
1h 47m 0s
dimi 2021-07-30 9:58pm
United States
dimi 2021-07-30 9:58pm
Josie Geller, a baby-faced junior copywriter at the Chicago Sun-Times, must pose as a student at her former high school to research contemporary teenage culture. With the help of her brother, Rob, Josie infiltrates the inner circle of the most popular clique on campus. But she hits a major snag in her investigation -- not to mention her own failed love life -- when she falls for her dreamy English teacher, Sam Coulson.
dimi 2021-07-30 9:58pm
Add relation Mike Stoklasa actor • Fairgoer dimi 2021-07-30 9:58pm
Add relation Rich Evans actor • Fairgoer dimi 2021-07-30 9:58pm
Add relation Marley Shelton actor • Kristin dimi 2021-07-30 9:58pm
Add relation Jordan Ladd actor • Gibby dimi 2021-07-30 9:58pm
Add relation Katie Lansdale actor • Tracy dimi 2021-07-30 9:58pm
Add relation Branden Williams actor • Tommy dimi 2021-07-30 9:58pm
Add relation James Franco actor • Jason dimi 2021-07-30 9:58pm
Add relation Gregory Sporleder actor • Coach Romano dimi 2021-07-30 9:58pm
Add relation David Doty actor • Armcast Henson dimi 2021-07-30 9:58pm
Add relation Derek Morgan actor • Sun-Times Worker dimi 2021-07-30 9:58pm
Add relation Kathleen Marshall actor • Miss Haskell dimi 2021-07-30 9:58pm
Add relation Leelee Sobieski actor • Aldys dimi 2021-07-30 9:58pm
Add relation Jeremy Jordan actor • Guy Perkins dimi 2021-07-30 9:58pm
Add relation Jessica Alba actor • Kirsten dimi 2021-07-30 9:58pm
Add relation John C. Reilly actor • Gus dimi 2021-07-30 9:58pm
Add relation Garry Marshall actor • Rigfort dimi 2021-07-30 9:58pm
Add relation Sean Whalen actor • Merkin dimi 2021-07-30 9:58pm
Add relation Cress Williams actor • George dimi 2021-07-30 9:58pm
Add relation Octavia Spencer actor • Cynthia dimi 2021-07-30 9:58pm
Add relation Sarah DeVincentis actor • Rhoda dimi 2021-07-30 9:58pm
Add relation Allen Covert actor • Roger in Op-Ed dimi 2021-07-30 9:58pm
Add relation Armand Reiser actor • Dutton dimi 2021-07-30 9:58pm
Add relation Alex Nepomniaschy cinematographer dimi 2021-07-30 9:58pm
First created Item first created fighter12 2019-01-18 9:22am