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Guy Raz Guy Raz

Guy Raz

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Guy Raz is a journalist, correspondent and radio host, currently working at National Public Radio (NPR). He has been described by The New York Times as "one of the most popular podcasters in history" and his podcasts have a combined monthly audience of 19.2 million downloads. He is the co-creator of three NPR programs: TED Radio Hour, How I Built This and NPR's first-ever children's program, Wow in the World. Raz is also the creator of NPR's popular literary segment "Three Minute Fiction." At age 25, he became the youngest overseas-based bureau chief for NPR, first in Berlin, then London and the Pentagon. He also served as CNN's correspondent in Jerusalem from 2004–2006. As a war correspondent, Raz covered the conflicts in Kosovo, Macedonia, Afghanistan, and Iraq. He has reported from more than 45 countries.


yooo guy raaaaz uuuupp???
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