Edit history of Mitski People
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Image update Image update yoda 2019-10-03 5:35am
sunflower-seed 2019-10-03 2:58am
Mitski Miyawaki is an American singer-songwriter. Mitski self-released her first two albums, Lush (2012), and Retired from Sad, New Career in Business (2013), while studying at Purchase College's Conservatory of Music. After graduating, Mitski released her third studio album, Bury Me at Makeout Creek (2014), through Double Double Whammy. It was followed by Puberty 2 (2016) and Be the Cowboy (2018), released on Dead Oceans. Mitski reflects her cross-cultural identity as "half Japanese, half American but not fully either", a feeling that is often reflected in her music, which occasionally discusses issues of belonging. Mitski expressed the tension of being a private person and her discomfort with the attention that comes with being in the public eye, therefore preferring to keep her personal life private.
sunflower-seed 2019-10-03 2:58am
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sunflower-seed 2019-10-03 2:58am
Image update Image update sunflower-seed 2019-10-03 2:57am
First created Item first created pogo-stick 2019-01-21 5:04am