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Sylvia Greif Sylvia Greif

Sylvia Greif

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Sylvia Greif is a Swiss writer and animal advocate. In 2014 she released a children's book, Lester's Planet, that tells the true story, with a paw of imagination, of a little chihuahua with a bottomless stomach. Ela Green and The Kingdom of Abud is her first novel in a trilogy. A real nature lover, she is at her happiest in the great outdoors, playing sports. Sylvia enjoys skiing, swimming, horseback riding, athletics and hiking. She recently walked part of the Way of St James to Santiago de Compostela. Always up for a physical or a creative challenge, she hopes to climb Mount Kilimanjaro in the near future. Her passion for the environment and wildlife started when she was a child. She grew up surrounded by pets and since a young age, animals have shaped her more than people. As an animal advocate she works alongside non-profit organisations to protect animal rights and fight animal cruelty. Sylvia has three dogs, Bv, Shea and Lola. Her other passion alongside writing is music and travelling. She has globe-trotted around the world and is fluent in five languages. For Sylvia, moments of inspiration are often found in unexpected places. Her best writing happens on board a train but also from her home. Sylvia is an early morning writer. She likes to take advantage of the first hours of the day when she feels the most creative, surrounded by her three dogs. She finds it to be a fruitful work environment when, as if by magic, a crazy idea turns into the right turn of phrase. It allows her to get an amount of uninterrupted writing done, a beautiful antidote to life's stresses.


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