Buckle your seatbelts and black out your windshields because we are about to blast RIGHT THROUGH that Welcome to Sunnydale sign, light up a Morley, and talk to James Marsters about his time playing the most beloved black-nailed, peroxide-headed vampire of all time: Spike! This is the Interview with a Vampire we have all truly been waiting for, is it not?! Be warned, this interview contains spoilers! LEARN MORE ABOUT JAMES MARSTERS: JamesMarstersOfficial.com Vidiots // vimeo.vidiotsonline.com Twitter & Instagram: @jamesmarstersof LOCATE YOUR HOSTS UPON THE INTERNET Jenny Owen Youngs: @jennyowenyoungs; jennyowenyoungs.com/buffering Kristin Russo: @kristinnoeline; kristinnoeline.com, everyoneisgay.com, mykidisgay.com Buffering the Vampire Slayer: @bufferingcast on twitter, facebook, and instagram HOT HOT TIPS Brand new Kristine Thune-designed shirt in the shop! Plus Local Girl Gang crewneck sweatshirts and kelly green Demon Lizard Patriarchy tees, wow wow wow wow wow! Visit bufferingthevampireslayer.com and click SHOP! NEW PATREON LEVEL & GIVEAWAYS: Head on over to patreon.com/bufferingcast HELP US TRANSCRIBE over at https://www.bufferingthevampireslayer.com/transcriptions Episode mix by Lauren Klein: @ltklein Episode edit by Lauren Klein Logo: Kristine Thune (kristinethune.com)