That feeling you're feeling? You'll get used to it.Homecoming was directed by Eli Horowitz; written by Micah Bloomberg and Eli Horowitz; produced by April Lamb; sound design and mixing by Rich Bologna; editing by Kate Bilinski; episode music by Billy Martin; recording and opening theme by Mark Phillips; casting by Henry Russell Bergstein; production coordination by Jordan Sirek. Special thanks to John Brandon, Jacob Bronstein, Alicia Van Couvering, Satchel Buck Jones, Rachel Khong, Matthew Boll, Victoria Barner, Peter Bresnan, and Alex Blumberg. Homecoming is a production of Gimlet Media.To read The Lost Coast, the serialized companion novel, go to BERGMAN - Catherine KeenerCOLIN BELFAST - David SchwimmerAUDREY TEMPLE - Amy SedarisANTHONY AZAM - David CrossTHOMAS CARRASCO - Aaron Serotsky GLORIA CRUZ - Mercedes RuehlBECKY MURDO - Alia Shawkat RUDY DETROIT - Micah StockGUARD - Suni ReyeswithRANDOLPH GEIST - Spike JonzeandWALTER CRUZ - Oscar Isaac