Inpatient hypertension is tricky. What's the best way to answer those overnight nursing phone calls for elevated blood pressures? What's the role of treating hypertensive urgency in the hospital? Plus, Our nephrology experts put a new issue on the generalist's radar: are ACE-inhibitors dangerous to give (or hold) during an operation? This NephMadness 2019 episode, features special guests Dr. Pascale Khairallah (@Khairallah_P), Dr. Charlie Wray (@WrayCharles) and Dr. Joel Topf (@kidneyboy) to better understand the role of anti-hypertensives in the inpatient setting and keep your blood pressure down on those overnight calls.
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Full show notes available at Join our mailing list and receive a PDF copy of our show notes every Monday. Rate us on iTunes, recommend a guest or topic and give feedback at
Written and produced by: Justin Berk MD, MPH, MBA; Pascale Khairallah MD
Hosts: Matthew Watto MD, Paul Williams MD, Stuart Brigham MD
Edited by: Matthew Watto, MD
Guest: Pascale Khairallah MD, Charlie Wray DO, Joel Topf MD
Get your ACP membership today and use the code CURB100 to save $100 when you join by March 31, 2019.
Time Stamps
00:00 Kidney Pun Contest with Hannah Abrams 01:16 Disclaimer 01:45 Sponsor - Become an ACP Member today! 02:14 Intro and guest bios 03:50 Picks of the weeks 06:00 Sponsor - Become an ACP Member today! 07:20 Case of acute severe hypertension; Does hypertensive urgency exist? Should we treat it? 26:40 Case of perioperative medicine. Should we hold the ace inhibitor? Is there evidence to guide us? 35:02 Take home points 36:54 Everyone picks their NephMadness winners for the hospital medicine region 43:13 Outro