Thank you to this episode's sponsor, TherapyNotes. Get a 2-month free trial of TherapyNotes by going to and using the promo code TherapyChat. Welcome back to Therapy Chat! In today's podcast host Laura Reagan speaks to Mari Lee about showing up vs. showing off. Mari A. Lee is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, a Certified Sex Addiction Therapist and Supervisor, and the founder of Growth Counseling Services, a private recovery practice located in Glendora, California. Mari is recognized for her clinical work with sex addicts, traumatically betrayed spouses, and couples healing from infidelity. Additionally, Mari is a trusted coach and respected entrepreneur with 30 years of business experience. She is the founder of, "The Counselor's Coach" and provides effective coaching, clinical materials, and dedicated support to therapists across the U.S. and around the world. Mari's specialized coaching is focused on helping therapists create and launch multiple income streams beyond the one-on-one clinical hour. Mari is also the co-author of the bestselling book, “Facing Heartbreak: Steps to Recovery for Partners of Sex Addicts”, and she is the author of, “Healing Betrayal”, and “The Creative Clinician." Her next book, “The Gift in the Wound: Stories of Resiliency and Hope” will be out in 2020. Finally, Mari is a popular speaker and presents across the country on the topic of sex and love addiction, partner's betrayal trauma, and is the co-founder of, “The Shine Retreat for Women”, which is an inspiring, rejuvenating and inclusive self care weekend retreat where all women are warmly welcomed. Shine 2019 is happening September 27-29th in beautiful Laguna Beach, California. Resources To learn more about Mari's clinical work visit: To schedule coaching session with Mari visit: To attend The Shine Women's Retreat visit: Are you a therapist needing support to sharpen your clinical skills in working with trauma survivors? Want to work with Laura for clinical consultation? Get in touch via Or if you're interested in joining an upcoming online or in person clinical consultation group, go here to sign up on the interest list! Please let us know what you'd like to learn more from Laura by completing this short survey! Want a cool Therapy Chat t-shirt, sticker or mug? Find them here: Please consider supporting Therapy Chat by becoming a member on Patreon! Just $1 a month would make a huge impact to keep Therapy Chat going strong! To learn more head to - where members get special perks and swag too! Leave me a message via Speakpipe by going to and clicking on the green Speakpipe button. Thank you for listening to Therapy Chat! Please be sure to go to iTunes and leave a rating and review, subscribe and download episodes. You can also download the Therapy Chat app on iTunes by clicking here. Podcast produced by Pete Bailey -