Push those VHS tapes into your VCRs and close your eyes, scoobies: let's dream of Sappho poems, ice cream trucks, Giles and Spike on a swing set, and Anya steering with no hands... We have special guests Alyse Knorr and David Wells (who plays the Cheese Man!) to help guide us through the first half of our Season 4 Finale! Today we are talking about the first two dream sequences in S4E22: Restless. Tune in next week for the second installment! LOCATE YOUR HOSTS UPON THE INTERNET Jenny Owen Youngs: @jennyowenyoungs; jennyowenyoungs.com/buffering Kristin Russo: @kristinnoeline; kristinnoeline.com, everyoneisgay.com, mykidisgay.com Buffering the Vampire Slayer: @bufferingcast on twitter, facebook, and instagram THANK YOU TO OUR SPECIAL GUESTS Alyse Knorr: Assistant Professor of English at Regis University, poet, and author of many things including Mega City Redux which is out now! alyseknorr.com David Wells: The very Cheese Man himself! Coya White Hat-Artichoker @coyahope Please support Sister Song https://www.sistersong.net/ HOT HOT TIPS Brand new Alewife Beer Steins by Isabella Rotman, a new dad hat and mug, plus a Kristine Thune-designed shirt in the shop! Visit bufferingthevampireslayer.com and click SHOP! NEW PATREON LEVEL & GIVEAWAYS: Head on over to patreon.com/bufferingcast, and also check out the amazing summer we have in store for you on our Events page! HELP US TRANSCRIBE over at https://www.bufferingthevampireslayer.com/transcriptions Episode mix by Lauren Klein: @ltklein Episode edit by Lauren Klein & Kristin Russo Logo: Kristine Thune (kristinethune.com)