E2 | Is Brienne of Tarth a Top 5 All-Time GoT Swordsmen? Gotham's Joker looks like Gollum with Freezer Burn. Chris Evans Joins Tom Holland and Mark Ruffalo's Spoiler Gang
2019Podcast Ep.
E2 Breakdown: New 'Joker' trailer and Batman talk, latest S8 GoT trailer and poster, where will Bronn go in S8? Best swordsmen in Westeros, how will GoT end and how leaks suck. Avengers Endgame talk; theories, Chris Evan spoilers, trailer, and Stan Lee's final MCU cameo. Secret Wars in the MCU, Eternals, James Gunn controversy, GotG Vol. 3, roots of Marvel comic book movies. 'Gotham' Joker reveal, Shazam non-spoiler talk. Avatar the Last Airbender's shelved 4th season and M. Night Shyamalan's adaptation