Thank you to this episode's sponsor, TherapyNotes. Get a 2-month free trial of TherapyNotes by going to and using the promo code TherapyChat. Welcome back to Therapy Chat! In today's podcast host Laura Reagan speaks to astrologer and psychotherapist Debra Silverman. When Debra Silverman was just 20 years old, she met an astrologer who blew her mind and changed her world forever. She had officially been introduced to the world of Astrology. It was then that she realized the stars in her own world had aligned just right, and she had found her life's purpose. Debra went on to deeply study the mind and body, earning a Bachelor's degree in Psychology & Dance from York University and a Master's degree in Clinical Psychology from Antioch University. Over the past 40 years of professional experience and private practice, she has specialized in helping thousands of individuals achieve emotional health and wisdom based on their unique personality and the four elements: water, air earth, and fire. Her work with families, individuals, and couples has her standing out in a sea of therapists and coaches. While there is no “one size fits all” approach, Debra has developed a unique psychological-spiritual model, combining her expertise in Esoteric (soul-centered) Astrology with her extensive education in Psychology to help those going through major life changes, especially in crisis. She custom designs her therapeutic approach to each individual, using astrology and psychology as a magical healing combination. What makes Debra different is not only her honest and direct style, but her fun and non-traditional way that she breathes new life into an ancient practice. Her goal is to connect with you on a deeper level and help you heal, while making you laugh and accepting you just as you are. She shares her knowledge through her own radio show, called Tell Me A Story, which airs each Tuesday online, and by writing columns for various magazines. She has also taught at the internationally renowned Esalen Institute. Her work has taken her around the globe, practicing and lecturing in places like New York, Los Angeles, London, Vancouver, Seattle and Boulder, Colorado, where she now lives. Tune in to her Radio Show here! When she's not helping you with your emotional health, she's working on her own well-being. A self-proclaimed “yoga maniac,” Debra loves being with her 25-year old son, meeting new people, and bringing everyone together. Her life's work is to bring hope to the children. Resources Are you a therapist needing support to sharpen your clinical skills in working with trauma survivors? Want to work with Laura for clinical consultation? Get in touch via Or if you're interested in joining an upcoming online or in person clinical consultation group, go here to sign up on the interest list! Please let us know what you'd like to learn more from Laura by completing this short survey! Want a cool Therapy Chat t-shirt, sticker or mug? Find them here: Please consider supporting Therapy Chat by becoming a member on Patreon! Just $1 a month would make a huge impact to keep Therapy Chat going strong! To learn more head to - where members get special perks and swag too! Leave me a message via Speakpipe by going to and clicking on the green Speakpipe button. Thank you for listening to Therapy Chat! Please be sure to go to iTunes and leave a rating and review, subscribe and download episodes. You can also download the Therapy Chat app on iTunes by clicking here. Podcast produced by Pete Bailey -