We've all heard about digital detoxes, and why they're worth undertaking. But that's usually put in the context of its impact on our lives outside of work. So what do we gain from shutting off our screens at work? For a lot of us, our work happens almost entirely on screens! For some practical tips on “going analog.” today we're talking with Digital Detox and Human Connection Expert Holland Haiis. Holland is going to do a (kinda) quickfire round of our 5-in-5 segment. This is when we pose a problem to a guest, and they give us five quick solutions, in five-ish minutes. It's really the most efficient way to conduct an interview ;).Then listener Elizabeth is afraid she won't survive her probation period at a new gig, after moving from the U.S. to Switzerland for the job in question.And Liz and Rico chat with listener Maya who wants to know how to get paid what she's worth, after underselling herself during her recent promotion.Last but not least, an anonymous caller wants some strategies on ending her boss's string of meaningless meetings: a.k.a. THE WORST.As always, if you've got a burning workplace question and need some advice, don't hesitate to send us an email (that email, unsurprisingly, is also Safe@Wondery.com). You can also find us on Twitter, we're @SafeFor Work. Don't forget to follow our sage hosts on Twitter, too; they're @SSLiz and @RicoGagliano. And if you want to check out Liz's other show, Satellite Sisters, you can find it on Apple Podcasts or Art19.