It seems like it oughta be the dream position for an employee: You're doing a gig you kinda like, but maybe they don't pay you enough, or give you enough of a benefits package… And then, you get another job offer. At last, you're in the catbird seat! If your current gig wants to keep you, they're gonna have to sweeten the pot. Then the new gig will offer even more to steal you!But then you're gonna need to somehow play these two employers off each other without either of them resenting you for it. Here to guide us through that tightrope walk is Anna Goldfarb. She writes about relationships, careers and pop psychology for Vice, Medium and The Cut. Anna also wrote the New York Times article, “How to Gracefully Leverage an Outside Job Offer.”Then, we're playing Lingo Bingo which includes some controversy about the word “optics.” And later, we hear from listener Wendy who needs a game plan on how to leave her first job out of college. Finally, Liz and Rico chat with listener Ellen, who is having a tough time with the receptionist at her new job.As always, if you've got a burning workplace question and need some advice, don't hesitate to send us an email (that email, unsurprisingly, is also You can also find us on Twitter, we're @SafeFor Work. Don't forget to follow our sage hosts on Twitter, too; they're @SSLiz and @RicoGagliano. And if you want to check out Liz's other show, Satellite Sisters, you can find it on Apple Podcasts or Art19.