When reading about some startup that's suddenly doing gangbuster business, do you ever wonder, “What it would really be like to work in that office?” Then when they crash and burn, you imagine what it must have been like to be on that insane roller-coaster!That brings us to WeWork, which not long ago was buying up skyscrapers in cities all over the world to offer to customers as temporary workspaces. WeWork rocketed up to a value of $47 billion… and then totally crashed. Failed founder Adam Neumann walked away with more than a billion dollars while thousands of rank-and-file employees lost their jobs, stock options, everything. Joanna Strange was a WeWork employee, she's now at a company called Less Doing and is featured on a new Wondery podcast about the WeWork debacle called WeCrashed. Joanna's here on SFW today to share a few hard-won lessons from that turbulent period.And later, Liz and Rico chat with listener Kat who's trying to avoid an awkward exit interview.Then, Liz provides some book recommendations for listener Skyler, who's seeking career advice via the written word. And finally, listener Brad gets a letter from our own Larry Seal with wisdom on whether Brad should leave his steady job for a fulfilling side gig.As always, if you've got a burning workplace question and need some advice, don't hesitate to send us an email (that email, unsurprisingly, is also Safe@Wondery.com). You can also find us on Twitter, we're @SafeFor Work. Don't forget to follow our sage hosts on Twitter, too; they're @SSLiz and @RicoGagliano. And if you want to check out Liz's other show, Satellite Sisters, you can find it on Apple Podcasts or Art19.