On Thursday's Mark Levin Show, we bring you the best of Mark Levin. President's Andrew Johnson, Richard Nixon, and Bill Clinton all received more due proceeds than President Trump. The Constitution does not say that the sixth amendment does not apply to the process of impeachment. Of course, the absence of that statement does not mean that it does, but due process — in one form or another — has always existed in the impeachment process. The Democrats now reject the precedent established in previous impeachment proceedings, nor has the House — or any other branch of our government — ever had unlimited powers. The idea of one branch being given illimitable power over another is completely alien to our Constitutional system. The whole reason we have impeachment is that the founders wanted the people to be the judge of who becomes president and who remains president. So they debated on a system to remove a president before the next election, but they agreed that it should be a very difficult process since a president could be checked by the people if the people didn't want him/her. So they created limits on the power of mob rule in the House of Representatives because the President is not answerable to the House of Representatives — the President is answerable to the people. Later, Trump wins a historic victory for American foreign policy with respect to the State of Israel. To be consistent with your principles is to be consistent with your politics and the United States under Trump's leadership has recognized Israel's settlements as sovereign territory. Afterward, Attorney General Barr gave an excellent speech on the rogue element within the government that are not loyal opposition, they are saboteurs. Have a happy and safe Thanksgiving!