Listen to our first ever discussion with @kidney_boy, Joel Topf MD. It's a classic episode with a fresh intro as we prepare for @NephMadness 2019 with our friends from Twitter and @AJKDonline
Dominate leg cramps, diuretic therapy, and resistant hypertension with tips from @kidney_boy, Joel Topf MD @kidney_boy, Chief of Nephrology Kashlak Memorial Hospital, co-creator @NephMadness. We start with basic renal physiology and build up to the treatment of resistant hypertension.
Corrections: Dr Topf posted the following corrections on his blog 3/22/2017 "I enjoyed the experience immensely, but in an hour of talking off the cuff I made some embarrassing mistakes:
In describing water reabsorption I said it occured in the cortical collecting duct rather than the medullary collecting duct.
In describing my cure for cramps I tell the story of Gitelman's and say it is like congenital loop diuretics rather than congenital thiazide diuretics
I mucked up the story about the MRFIT story and how it allowed a head to head comparison of HCTZ and chlorthalidone. I really oversold what happened."
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Credits Written by: Matthew Watto MD
Produced by: Stuart Brigham MD and Matthew Watto MD
Cohosts: Stuart Brigham MD and Matthew Watto MD
Guest: Joel Topf MD
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Time Stamps 00:00 Sponsor - Become a member of the American College of Physicians 00:28 Disclaimer, Intro, Recap of upcoming shows, Corrections and Omissions 05:50 Guest one-liner, Discussion of social media in medical education, Joel's book 12:45 Twitter for medical education including NephJC and NephMadness 19:50 Sponsor - Become a member of the American College of Physicians 21:30 Intro to diuretics, mechanism of action and a brief review of renal physiology 28:26 Use of thiazide diuretics 30:18 Chlorthalidone versus hydrochlorothiazide 34:47 Diuretics and hyponatremia, Monitoring electrolytes and renal function on diuretics 39:05 Leg (muscle) cramps and pickle juice 42:55 Thiazides, osteoporosis and fracture prevention 45:32 Resistant hypertension and the workup for secondary hypertension 53:36 Loop diuretics: how to choose an agent, dosing 62:15 Take home points 67:00 Outro