PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1:MLB turns off millions of fans with Black Lives Matter protests. Fourteen Miami Marlins test COVID-19 positive, two games canceled. Baseball games without crowds don't seem real. Fauci's terrible first pitch; caught in stands not wearing mask. Nadler calls Portland riots a "myth". Chief Justice Roberts rules against religious liberty, affirms limits on church services, but not riots and protests. USA Today piece on "myth" of American Exceptionalism. Charlie Cook, who was wrong in 2016, predicts Democrat sweep in 2020. Oregon resident on lack of GOP pushback against Democrat lies.PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2:Speculation over Biden VP pick. Cato Institute: Shows everyone but liberals are scared to be honest about what they believe. 77% of conservatives are afraid to tell people what they think. If Biden is so far ahead, why does everyone care who his VP pick is? Epidemiologist caller says we must go on offense against coronavirus, use antibodies and hydroxychloroquine. Dems fear riots will hurt them. Antifa and BLM are Marxist terrorist groups. Rahm Emanuel doesn't want Antifa to become face of the protests. Myths about the protesters.PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3:Rush mobile app introduces CarPlay. Montage of Democrats saying Trump will use troops, Russians to steal the election. Rep. Bobby Rush says Trump wants to be Grand Wizard of the KKK. Teacher on black youth and cops, BLM. Rush believes poll that says 77% of conservatives afraid to say what they believe, because we see no pushback out there.