Today we're doing our favorite thing--taking your calls for (almost) the whole episode! We had so many great emails, that we wanted some extra time to chat work dilemmas with y'all. And while Liz and Rico love giving advice, it's great when we can learn a few things from our callers. Case in point, up first is listener Luc, who is having trouble choosing between two great job offers. Luc is also transgender and was kind enough to pass along the following workplace resources for the trans community: Learn how to update your documents: The National Center For Transgender Equality Know Your Rights at work: Transgender Law Center National LGBTQ Task Force Legal help: Lambda LegalTransgender Legal Defense & Education Fund The National Center For Transgender Equality Then, listener Carol wonders whether she should take the leap and go for some management training, when she's not sure if being a manager is her cup of tea. And in this week's MInd the Gap segment, Liz and Rico debate whether you should use emojis in work emails. Last but not least, we hear from listener Liliana, who is torn about whether to take a work opportunity that's in line with her career trajectory, but not her pay grade.As always, if you've got a burning workplace question and need some advice, don't hesitate to send us an email (that email, unsurprisingly, is also You can also find us on Twitter, we're @SafeFor Work. Don't forget to follow our sage hosts on Twitter, too; they're @SSLiz and @RicoGagliano. And if you want to check out Liz's other show, Satellite Sisters, you can find it on Apple Podcasts or Art19.