Getting offered a promotion is supposed to be a good thing. It means your hard work is paying off and your employers are taking notice. But what if, along with all the responsibilities and pressure that comes with moving up to management, the person who's position you're filling is now your subordinate. In short, you're doing a switcheroo with your boss. That's exactly what our listener Ashley is preparing for. Today, we're opening the show with her call, so Liz and Rico can give some tips on how to take charge, especially if her former boss doesn't want to pass the baton. Then, we hear from listener Stephanie who was recently let go from her job in a pretty terrible way. And for our Work Pop segment, we're going to further discuss how to *not* fire someone, with a look at a scene from the sports movie, “Moneyball.” Last but not least, we're getting some intel about Google nightmares with fellow podcaster and former Google employee Sam Dingman. Dingman is the host of the podcast, Family Ghosts.As always, if you've got a burning workplace question and need some advice, don't hesitate to send us an email (that email, unsurprisingly, is also You can also find us on Twitter, we're @SafeFor Work. Don't forget to follow our sage hosts on Twitter, too; they're @SSLiz and @RicoGagliano. And if you want to check out Liz's other show, Satellite Sisters, you can find it on Apple Podcasts or Art19.