Documentaries. We all love them. They educate, manipulate and enlighten us to the world. A good documentary can get everyone talking, and on this podcast, bad documentaries can do that too. The Documenteers podcast features a guy named Bob Sham, and a revolving cast of enthusiasts, discussing a myriad of documentary topics. True crime, nature, sports, music, history, the classics and more. The hosts give heartfelt analysis that is never too serious. Sometimes real emotions actually occur. Documentaries tell the story of humanity, and on the Documenteers, we tackle the issues as well as the documentaries. Mostly it's dumb jokes though. Really dumb jokes. Hear the podcast everyone SHOULD be talking about. The best documentary themed podcast in the universe. The cool people are already talking about it. Like your dad. Don't you want to be cool like your dad? Keep on Doccin'®