My Name Is My Name 2013 Album
2.25 • 0
All Reviews
Pusha T used to sell dope. He mentions it enough throughout the album if you forgot that information. While Pusha can be great as a guest (see 'Name me King' on Game's 'Jesus Piece'), or for a track here and there ('Exodus 23:1' is a great song), for a whole album I find him to be an extremely tedious boring rapper. Some people have mentioned the plethora of featuring artists on this album as a criticism, but would you want 45 minutes of exclusive Pusha? I certainly wouldn't and this album demonstrates that more than anything else I've heard from him previously. He raps basically the exact same way on every song, talking through his bars, that feature some weak punchlines and repetitive lyrics as Pusha likes to do. As a guest here, Kendrick also chooses to rap with his annoying tone and flow, so there goes that song from being enjoyable. The beats also have a minimalistic, drum-driven feel that add to the feeling of repetition. Pusha is a one-trick pony as a rapper and the beats aren't fantastic either. A disappointing album. The mixtape 'Wrath of Caine' has more going for it than this. In my humble opinion, his former partner's recent album, No Malice, is also more enjoyable than this. I don't like. Best Tracks: King Push, No Regrets
Reason for report