Elliott from Earth is an animated science fiction series created by Guillaume Cassuto, Mic Graves and Tony Hull.
It follows Elliott, Frankie and Mo in their everyday lives on the Centrium, a city where aliens from all corners of the universe live.
This is a show with lots of potential. Its first episode is a 10/10 from the very first second and the world of the Centrium has plenty to offer. In 16 episodes, Guillaume Cassuto, Mic Graves and Tony Hull had managed to use as many characters shown in the title song as possible, without them being just filler characters. Diminishing Discourse, the 16th episode, leaves lots of room for at least a second season or a feature length film, although I am getting ahead of myself on the last one.
A show that has to be tried out. The way Cartoon Network had shown it throughout the world was pretty messy (some aired 2 episodes a day, others 4, while the last 4 episodes were aired 1 per day in the USA) and showed the company did not care that much. It can get a little gross, and it might not be memorable in the end, but it is worth giving a try for both well done visuals and well placed jokes.