An anime television series adaptation was announced after the final episode of Mitsuboshi Colors, the anime adaptation of another manga series by the same author, on March 25, 2018. The series was directed by Takebumi Anzai and written by Jukki Hanada, with animation by studio C2C. Kii Tanaka was the character designer and the chief animation director. Ryuichi Takada and Hidekazu Tanaka composed the series' music. The series aired from April 6 to June 22, 2019 on the Animeism programming block on MBS, TBS, BS-TBS, as well as AT-X. The opening theme song is "Hitori Bocchi no Monologue" (ひとりぼっちのモノローグ, "Lonely Monologue") by Chisaki Morishita, Minami Tanaka, Akari Kitō, and Yuuko Kurose, while the ending theme song "Ne, Issho ni Kaero" (ね、いっしょにかえろ。, "Let's Go Home Together.") by Morishita.The ending theme for episode six is "Bakushō Bocchi Juku Kōka" (爆笑ぼっち塾 校歌, "Bocchi School of Laughs Anthem") by Morishita, Tanaka, Kitō, and Kurose.