An anime television series adaptation was announced in May 2019. Produced by Shogakukan, Warner Bros. Japan and Science Saru, the series was directed by Masaaki Yuasa, who also handled series composition. Yūichirō Kido wrote the scripts, Naoyuki Asano designed the characters, and Oorutaichi composed the music.The series aired for 12 episodes on NHK General TV from January 6 to March 23, 2020.[28][29][30][b] Chelmico performed the series' opening theme song "Easy Breezy," while the band Kami-sama, I Have Noticed (神様、僕は気づいてしまった, Kami-sama, Boku wa Kizuite Shimatta) performed the series' ending theme song "A Blue That Has No Name" (名前のない青, Namae no Nai Ao). The popularity of the series led to it being rebroadcast on NHK Educational TV in Japan in October 2021.