Tales from the Darkside is an anthology horror TV series created by George A. Romero; it was released in 1984. Similar to Amazing Stories, The Twilight Zone, Night Gallery, The Outer Limits, Tales From The Crypt, and Lee Martin's The Midnight Hour, each episode was an individual short story that ended with a plot twist. The series' episodes spanned the genres of horror, science fiction, and fantasy, and some episodes featured elements of black comedy or more lighthearted themes.
Years ago, I used to have to sneak around to friends' houses to watch this show, and got a rush out of watching it. The 1980s saw a revival of thriller anthology shows and Tales Of The Darkside was very much an 80s twist on a tried-and-true formula. That said...after revisiting the series, I have to say a good majority of these episodes do not hold up. A big part of the charm here is the memorable opening and narration by Paul Sparer, but it's a real hit-and-miss proposition otherwise.