The series follows Carmen “Carmy” Berzatto, a young chef from the fine dining world, who comes home to Chicago to run his family sandwich shop – The Original Beef of Chicagoland – after a heartbreaking death in his family. A world away from what he’s used to, Carmy must balance the soul-crushing realities of small business ownership, his strong-willed and recalcitrant kitchen staff and his strained familial relationships, all while grappling with the impact of his brother’s suicide. It's about food, family, the insanity of the grind, the beauty of Sense of Urgency and the steep slippery downsides. As Carmy fights to transform both The Original Beef of Chicagoland and himself, he works alongside a rough-around-the-edges kitchen crew that ultimately reveal themselves as his chosen family.
aight chef I'm just not feeling the whole "we're turning this modest take-away place in a sterilized high cuisine restaurant" because I feel it winks way too much at the american way of doing things in which you can only aim extremely high in order to feel succesful. Stopped at the ending of season 2 because you can only push highschool-level drama so far before it turns into straight up annoying.