In the fictional Armação dos Anjos, a small town on the coast of Rio de Janeiro, retired Navy captain Jonas Rocha, a widower and father of six, marries historian Carmem Maura, also a widow and mother of six. In love, the couple lives in harmony with their large family until the arrival of rock singer Natasha, a vampire who became internationally famous after a pact with the leader of the vampires, Count Vladimir Polanski, Vlad, whom she now wishes to destroy in order to free from your curse. The only weapon that can help her carry out her plans is the São Sebastião Cross, which is hidden somewhere in Armação dos Anjos. The prophecy says that the cross must be wielded by a man named Rock. The hero is Captain Jonas, who, in past incarnations, disputed with Count Vlad for the love of the singer, who was then called Eugenia. Threatened, Vlad goes after the rocker and Jonas' family, turning Armação into a city full of vampires.