Edits by dem0nhead
Item Edit Type Edit Date
Before Sunset movie year
2021-05-17 12:13am
Before Sunset movie Release Dates
2021-05-17 12:13am
Before Sunset movie length 0h 0m 0s
1h 20m 0s
2021-05-17 12:13am
Before Sunset movie country
United States
2021-05-17 12:13am
Before Sunset movie description
Nine years ago two strangers met by chance and spent a night in Vienna that ended before sunrise. They are about to meet for the first time since. Now they have one afternoon to find out if they belong together.
2021-05-17 12:13am
Before Sunset movie wiki link
2021-05-17 12:13am
Bad Friend song First created Item first created 2021-05-16 12:55am
Ryan Harvey people First created Item first created 2021-05-16 12:55am
Kyle Shearer people First created Item first created 2021-05-16 12:55am
Jonathan Gilmore people First created Item first created 2021-05-16 12:55am
A Wrinkle in Time lit year
2021-05-15 7:00am
A Wrinkle in Time lit Release Dates
2021-05-15 7:00am
A Wrinkle in Time lit length
2021-05-15 7:00am
A Wrinkle in Time lit country
United States
2021-05-15 7:00am
A Wrinkle in Time lit description
It was a dark and stormy night; Meg Murry, her small brother Charles Wallace, and her mother had come down to the kitchen for a midnight snack when they were upset by the arrival of a most disturbing stranger. "Wild nights are my glory," the unearthly stranger told them. "I just got caught in a downdraft and blown off course. Let me sit down for a moment, and then I'll be on my way. Speaking of ways, by the way, there is such a thing as a tesseract." A tesseract (in case the reader doesn't know) is a wrinkle in time. To tell more would rob the reader of the enjoyment of Miss L'Engle's unusual book. A Wrinkle in Time, winner of the Newberry Medal in 1963, is the story of the adventures in space and time of Meg, Charles Wallace, and Calvin O'Keefe (athlete, student, and one of the most popular boys in high school). They are in search of Meg's father, a scientist who disappeared while engaged in secret work for the government on the tesseract problem.
2021-05-15 7:00am
A Wrinkle in Time lit wiki link
2021-05-15 7:00am