Breathe 2005 Album
3.5 • 0
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There are some misses here including the opening two songs, and the production is very mid '00s with some of it sounding a bit cheap as was the case around this era of mainstream R&B. The highs are nice though and if you like slow jamz you'll get something out of this project. When the album gets more upbeat the success rate drops off apart from 'Bump' that isn't a bad track. The final song features a quick eight bar phone-it-in verse from Jadakiss and the other feature listed is Jazze Pha who only offers a short intro and an adlib from what I hear. Fabolous offers a little more with his raps on the Special Edition of the album. Best Tracks: Breathe, No More, Bump, Hurt You Bad, Missing You
Reason for report