We Can't Be Stopped 1991 Album
3.25 • 0
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This stark, bleak, intentionally low-budget affair was a surprise hit towards the end of 1991 thanks to the single "Mind Playin' Tricks On Me". Paired with a rather grotesque album cover, it belied the actual fact that the group was splintering behind the scenes, which is the reason most the tracks are solo efforts, giving it a disconnected feel. Some of these spots stand out on sheer outrageousness alone - Bushwick Bill's "Chuckie" writes the initial book on horror-core rap, and Willie D's "Trophy" is a great dig at music industry hypocrisy - but more often than not, the diatribes miss their target, or don't have anything to say. Still, all of these crazy personalities trying to share space on a rap album is not something you hear every day.
Reason for report