Spider-Man 2 2004 Movie
3.42 • 0
All Reviews
(2h02) - 2h45 2h50 2h55 3h00 (3h05,3h10,3h15,3h20) (2h07) - 2h50 2h55 3h00 3h05 (3h10,3h15,3h20,3h25) (2h10) - 2h55 3h00 3h05 3h10 (3h15,3h20,3h25,3h30) (2h15) - 3h00 3h05 3h10 3h15 (3h20,3h25,3h30,3h35) (2h16) - 3h00 3h05 3h10 3h15 (3h20,3h25,3h30,3h35)
The will-they-won't-they, toing and froing between Pete and Mary gets old in this. It's almost romance as a primary genre. Mary gets pissed off at Pete when she sends mixed messages. Some scenes are cringe-worthy such as Mary Jane talking to Pete while he is holding a wall over her. Move!!! There was another key one as well that isn't coming to me at the moment. Doctor Octopus makes for some good action scenes but can't save it. The whole Harry Osborn getting revenge on Spider-Man sub-plot doesn't come to much either. 2-2.5
Reason for report