20 Below 1992 Album
3 • 0
Overall, this is better than Breed's debut with DFC, released only 8 months prior. While still not reinventing the wheel, the production doesn't sound as dated and there is a bit more of an effort to write some hooks, that his debut lacked, although at times the beat still just rides here as well. There is also more of a darker/harder sound from Breed and the producers, Bernard Terry and Flash Technology. The title track sounds very Ice-T influenced. 'Whenever You Want Me' has a short riff in it that sounds like the Seinfeld theme. There aren't any bad moments, apart from the closer, 'Shout Out', that should have been kept to linear notes like all shout out songs, but it just needs some tracks closer to great for me to rate this higher. Beats: ★★★☆ Rapping/Bars: ★★★☆ Hooks: ★★★ Best Tracks: Ain't to Be Fucked With, Dis Mode, Flash's Groove, Ain't Too Much Worried, No Frontin' Allowed, Jealous Pimp
Reason for report